Things she did 

This is from my memory of Ma when I lived with her and subsequently when I visited. 

  • She woke up in the morning before Baba and made tea. Then she would leisurely read the paper and drink her tea. She disliked being disturbed during this time. 
  • She would go for a walk wearing her sari and walking shoes. When I was a little girl she walked too fast. When I was older, I found she walked too slow. In July 2017, we took a walk to her bank. It was a very slow walk. 
  • After she changed into her nightclothes, she would wear lotion on her face and skin. As she applied it on her face, her skin would stretch and she made a face of relaxation. 
  • She would scratch her sides and back when she was sleepy. Which always was around 10.45 pm every night. 

I just think of her and think of her and think of her. More than I ever did when she was alive. When I should have memorized these moments as if they were never coming back. How she slumped on the couch, inclined to one side as she read the paper. Her sarcastic smile for Baba. How she scolded him. 


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