Whatsapp into oblivion

Some days it feels like a slap in the face from destiny or fate or whatever it is. When I scroll through her WhatsApp messages, see the missed calls from her, and messages like “Yr not taking any khobor ma is alive or not” with my sardonic response of “haha” three months before she passed away forever, it feels like Life just took a straight punch to the gut. There I was being busy over my myriad banal things and even excelling at them. And little did I know that those missed calls and whatsapp messages is all I have left of her. I frequently send her whatsapp messages almost as if it’s going into the ethereal world via the Internet. I half smile thinking of Girik’s joke at the Shraddha ceremony. When pointed out the worldly things she would “need” for her journey,  he asked where her cell phone was? Now I play victim to that cruel joke and I send her whatsapp messages for holidays or general greetings like she used to. 


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