It was a very good news for all of us though Snigdha had a mixed feelng only because she would miss Singapore visit which we had been doing every year since they shifted to Singapore in 2009.
Snigdha liked Singapore very much as it was ideally suited for us. We could move around freely with Smart cards in our hands which allowed train and bus journey to any place in Singapore. The place was very very safe and the people around were very cooperative. She was buying cosmetics from stores, keeping an eye on the cost, cheese and Jacob brand biscuits which were not available in Mumbai. She was fond of cream crackers of this brand. During our stay Tushi's family and her inlaws also came once and it was really a great fun. Snigdha loved to eat outside with Mou's family which was a regular affair in Singapore.
Despite a little disappointments, Snigdha was very happy to see her daughter in the post of Managing Director. We also discussed that their coming to Mumbai would greatly help us considerng our age. However we did not know that Snigdha will not be able to enjoy their company for long. The way Mou and Kedar supported us in every respect all 48 days' of her suffering in hosital could only be possible because of their presence in Mumbai. It was as if God had arranged eveything beforehand to support me when I needed it most. He had taken away in one hand but put His blessings on my head by the other hand in our period of crisis.
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