In an Adda among friends, Deepak was asked how he could get fast growth in his career. He said, whatever he was earning was not enough to meet Gopa's demand. So he had to look for increasing his income continuously. Tushi commented, there only Baba got hit as whatever he was earning Ma used to save from it. So Baba did not have any urgent to increase his income.
It was jokingly said no doubt, but Snigdha's nature was like that, never demanding. Not that we had never any problem, but we could manage it without much dispute
Snigdha's only weakness was Sari. She loved to buy or get Saris of various places. I was also indulging by bringing Saris from the places I visited while working and even after retirement. Mou and Tushi also bought her many. She had a good collection this year and kept them to wear during Puja. But alas,!!
After she left us, I opened the wardrobe to see it full of saris nicely hanging or stacked below ironed with respective blouses. I could not control my tears, completely broke down. I immediately closed the door and left the place.Later told Mou and Tushi to clear them as fast as possible as it was impossible for me to see it again.
I know many of our desires remain unfulfilled while we depart for ever She tried to get rid of her attachment as much as possible. May be sari's she could not. And that is what I loved in her.
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