Trying to settle my life gradually. But will it be done at all? Age is not in favour. At every step she comes in front, can't avoid remembering her. Deepa is coming to stay with me for a week. Tushi also will be here for nearly 3weeks with Arhan. Have to settle the new flat for habitable condition. Deepa plans to cook, Tushi also. Went to buy groceries and other needful things. It is a tough job. I wonder how Snigdha managed to do every month. I never did it. I doubt whether I will ever be able. I forgot 4 to 5 items to buy though I had list with me. Snigdha never missed even without list. 

To rearrange in a new place is difficult. I make mental plan what remains to be done. Still many things are left, chairs, teapoys, bathroom racks, flush jet for one bathroom etc.

One thing is done i.e fixing of TV connection with cable operator. I remember when we shifted to Sea Breeze, I was busy speaking to Tatasky about refixing TVs in both rooms. All boxes were not opened, lot of arrangements remained to be done. Snigdha was not well so could not physically do anything. She yelled at me ',is TV the most important thing to do when so many work is pending?'. This time also I did the same thing but alas, none yelled at me.

I enjoyed my stay at Baroda with Biswa and Deepa. I was overwhelmed with the way Deepa took my care. The day before Snigdha was shifted to ICU Biswa came to Mumbai on tour and visited the hospital. Snigdha told him to take care of me as she felt I was losing weight. Biswa probably took it to his heart and ensured my gaining weight during my stay at Baroda.

I am participating in everything but without joy. It has vanished from my life for ever. Everyone around me tries to keep me in good shape, calls me regularly and asks about my well-being. I am blessed to get so much love and care from everyone. I appreciate it from the core of my heart. Despite this I don't get peace of mind, I miss her at every moment.


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