
Whenever I think of Snigdha, I remember how much suffering she had to bear throughout her life. She inherited genetically Asthma and Diabetis. When we were young, she regularly had attack of Bronchial Asthma whenever she was having cold, sometimes out of dusty surrounding. It was giving her severe breathing problem and doctor had to administer strong dose of medicine. This obviously damaged her lung and possibly heart to some extent. She was also having severe attack of migraine and had to take pain killer. Doctor prescribed a course of cold vaccine to do away with her cold problem. Sometime later she had Diabetis and was regularly under medication and diet control. Then in 1978, she had molar pregnancy which got aborted. But she became so anaemic that a few bottles of blood had to be transfused in her body through which Hepatitis C virus sneaked into her liver. There was no test for this virus as the deseases was discovered only in nineties. Attempts to get rid of this virus in 2008 was in vain. She was having swelling of legs which sometimes got aggravated when she had to stand or sit in a car for a long time. Last year beginning she developed a pain near the knee which caused walking problem. At the same time she was having a breathing problem and curtailed her walking outside and even domestic work. In September 2017 she had severe stomach upset followed by chest pains which was diagnosed as Pneumonia and the rest is history.

Credit goes to her that despite her suffering throughout she never deprived herself from enjoying life. In our young age we regularly participated in various programmes, musical, plays, picnic, puja or visit to places in a group. She was a regular cook of puja bhog in both Vivekananda Club and Notunpalli. We had a group of friends who regularly met for Adda or potluck or kitty party for ladies group only. Despite her ailment she wanted to attend the wedding at Kolkata in February 2017 and enjoyed participation in every item of the function. 

She enjoyed foreign visits which started in 2008 to US followed by annual visits to Singapore from 2009 to 2016 to attend Girik's birthdays. After Arhan was born we visited US in 2014 and 2015. While in US and Singapore, Mou and Tushi took us for visits to places of her interest. Going to Sipra's house or her Pisima at Houston were highly enjoyed by her. She said once that we had enjoyed our life throughout so no regret.

She never complained about her illness, she was looking always at the positive side. Even when she was in hospital bed, she was hoping to attend next ladies' club get-together.

May God bless her departed soul peace and happiness. 


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